
Our shorts are available on our YouTube channel.
- Dead Battery Agony
The pains and frustrations of gaming on a mobile device.
A short we created as an entry to the second round of the MOGA Mega Video Contest.
Released: Nov 26th, 2013
- Starring Clint Blizzard and Jon Wieberg
- Written by Kyle Blizzard
- Additional credits: Sabrina Nation and Eric Burgess
- Mobile Game Pain
The pains and frustrations of gaming on a mobile device with that '80s feel.
A short we created as an entry to the first round of the MOGA Mega Video Contest.
Released: Nov 18th, 2013
- Starring Clint Blizzard and Jon Wieberg
- Original story by Jon Wieberg
- Written by Kyle Blizzard
- SG&C Teaser Trailer - The Pilot
SG&C's pilot, Jannick Duskinzerah, seems to have gotten himself into a bind.
Released: Nov 26th, 2011
- Starring Matt Nielsen, Clint Blizzard, Jon Wieberg and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Kyle Blizzard
- SG&C Teaser Trailer - Commercial
Chris and Tom contemplate marketing the company.
Released: Sep 1st, 2011
- Starring Jon Wieberg and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Jon Wieberg and Kyle Blizzard
- Return of the Scarial Killer
Two disappearances have followed the escape of a "scary serial killer" from prison. An anonymous tip brings Detective Mohamed Johnson to the home of the first victim in hopes of uncovering the truth, but all he finds are more questions.
The special edition was created for entry into the Check Out Our Shorts Dahlonega film festival to eliminate the need to see the first two episodes, but it didn't make it in. Don't worry, Scarial Killer still shoots first. The only difference is the addition of a prologue.
Released: Jul 29th, 2011
- Starring Jon Wieberg, Clint Blizzard, and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Kyle and Clint Blizzard
- Directed by Kyle Blizzard
- SG&C Teaser Trailer - Hostage Rescue
Chris Storms and Tom Fender work out a plan to rescue their subject.
Released: Feb 23rd, 2011
- Starring Jon Wieberg and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Jon Wieberg
- The Truth About Scientology
Offers you can't refuse.
Released: Feb 1st, 2011
- Starring Jon Wieberg, Clint Blizzard, and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Clint Blizzard
- Directed by Kyle Blizzard
- True Quest
An assassin discovers his destiny.
Released: Oct 24th, 2010
- A Cool Hat Media/Thirsty Dog co-production
- Starring Dave Watkins, Clint Blizzard, and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by the Ellijay Writers' Anonymous group
- Adapted to the screen, directed, and edited by Matt Nielsen
- Straight Flush
An otherwise ordinary day in the lives of mob thugs when they get caught pants down.
Released: Oct 19, 2010
- Starring Jon Wieberg, Clint Blizzard, Matt Nielsen, and Kyle Blizzard
- Written by Clint Blizzard
- Based on a story by Clint Blizzard, Jon Wieberg, and Kyle Blizzard
- Directed by Clint Blizzard
- The Wallet
A man finds himself lost and betrayed in a strange world.
Winner of the 2011 Check Out Our Shorts Dahlonega film festival for Best Short and Best Cinematography.
Released: Oct 4, 2010
- Starring Clint Blizzard and Jon Wieberg
- Written by Clint Blizzard and Jon Wieberg
- Directed by Clint Blizzard
- Yellowstone National Ambush
Sinister rocks are up to no good.
Released: Sep 7, 2010
- Starring Clint Blizzard, Jon Wieberg, and Kyle Blizzard
- Original idea by Rachel and Sarah Leslie
- Directed by Kyle Blizzard
- He Said Squash
A quick, but popular, movie that takes place entirely inside a car.
Released: Jun 28, 2010
- Starring Jon Wieberg and Clint Blizzard
- Directed by Kyle Blizzard
- The Scarial Killer Saga
A generations-old curse transforms ordinary people into despicable, unstoppable monsters. There's no way to stop it, or is there?